'BINU SHOAP' is a brand that has accumulated expertise in Korean soap making for 20 years, combining traditional methods with modern research to develop special products beneficial for the skin.
Using natural ingredients, we provide products safe for sensitive skin, aiming to share the beauty and wisdom of Korean soap with the world.
본 제품은 주식회사 하이브와의 정식 라이선스 계약에 의해 ㈜슈퍼오리지널에서 제작, 판매하는 것으로
무단 복제 및 판매할 경우 법적 처벌을 받을 수 있습니다.
Super Original Co., Ltd. is authorized to manufacture and distribute this licensed product.
Reproduction and distribution of this product without writtenpermission is
strictly prohibited and is subject to legal action.